Brief History of the International Buddhist Association of America
By the middle of the 1970s the full functioning Buddhist Temples were very few in the United States. Today Buddhist temples and communities from different countries have sprung up and continue to grow in numbers. Therefore, an international organization wholly dedicated to collaboration and cooperation among the Buddhist communities in the United States is urgently needed.
With this end in view, a small meeting was convened at Wat Thai Washington, DC on August 29, 2015 under the leadership of Ven. Thanat Inthisan (Ph.D.) and Ven. Katugastota Uparatana, and it was agreed by those present that an International Buddhist Association having these purposes should be founded.
November 9, 2015 International Buddhist Association of America (IBAA) filed the Articles of Incorporation with the Department of State of Maryland Assessments and Taxations.
March 17, 2016 IBAA filed SS-4 form for EIN Number with the IRS.
November 15, 2016 IBAA filed for the 501(C) (3) with the Internal Revenue Service.
February 23, 2017 IBAA received the “Determination Letter” from the IRS with the announcement that IBAA has been accepted as a Non-Profit Religion Organization.
International Buddhist Association of America (IBAA) was established to promote Buddhism, conduct the Spiritual Worship, Buddhist studies, and to perform religion activities in a spirit of non-sectarian tolerance of Buddhist communities in the United States.
The purpose and aims of the IBAA have been set out in the main body of the Association’s By-Laws. IBAA has 15 Board of Directors and 19 Advisory Council members. Board of Directors and the Advisory Council members were selected from all three Yanas (traditions) of Buddhism for the purpose of working collaboratively to Promote, Preserve, and to Protect Buddha-Dharmma in the United States and abroad for the benefit of all beings.
Our Path Forward
To serve and preserve the teachings of Buddha Gotama well, we must co-operate and collaborate with sincerity, with high energy and with disciplined. We must, proactively take the steps necessary to guide our young Buddhists and explain to them with love and compassion and make certain that they understand how wonderful Buddhism is.
May the power of the Triple Gems bless us all,
Thank you very much for your attention.