2017 International Resounding of the Precious Tipitaka in Berkeley

2017 International Resounding of the Precious Tipitaka in Berkeley!

>>> Registration <<<


September 22nd, 2017
8:15 am All gather at Nyingma Institute
(1815 Highland Place, Berkeley)
Circumambulate Stupa
8:30 Begin Silent Peace Walk to Mangalam Centers for Buddhist Languages
9:00 am Procession through UC Berkeley Campus
9:30 am Start program at Mangalam Meditation Hall
Introduction and welcome by the Light of Buddhadharma Foundation
Lighting of lamps
Welcome speeches by senior venerable monks (3 minutes each)
11 am Lunch offering downstairs for monks downstairs
We would kindly request all venerable Sangha to bring their bowls
11 am-12 noon Lay devotee registration downstairs
12:00 pm Lunch buffet for lay devotees
1 pm Start program of chanting
3 – 3:30 pm Tea Break
3:30 – 5 pm Chanting
6 – 8 pm Public Dharma Talk: (Dharma College) 6-8:30 pm
Venerable Ajahn Pasanno, Abbot of Abhayagiri Monastery
“Living a Noble Life, Heart Advice from the Ajahn Chah lineage”.

September 23rd 2017
9 am Beginning chanting program at Mangalam Meditation Hall
11 am Lunch offering downstairs for monks
12:00 pm Lunch buffet for all lay devotees (monks and nuns to please bring bowls with you)
1 pm Start chanting program
3- 3:30 pm Tea Break
3:30 – 5 pm Chanting and Dedication of Merits
6:30- 8:30 pm Public Dharma Talk: To Be Announced

September 24, 2017
9 am Chanting program at Mangalam Meditation Hall
11 am Lunch offering downstairs for monks (monks and nuns to please bring bowls with you)
12:00 pm Lunch buffet for lay devotees
1 pm Start program of chanting
3 -3:30 pm Tea Break
3:30-5 pm Conclusion of program
Dedication of Merit
Handing out of certificates for participation